Critical Approaches to State and Sovereignty: Part 4 (Mabon)
Critical Approaches to State and Sovereignty: Part 4 (Mabon) 11th Dec 2023 Re-Imaging Sovereignty and the State  “We are at war with one another; a battlefront runs through the whole of society, continuously and permanently, and it is this battlefront that puts us all on one side or the other. There is no such thing as... Read More
Critical Approaches to State and Sovereignty: Part 3 (Teti)
Critical Approaches to State and Sovereignty: Part 3 (Teti) 7th Dec 2023 Simulacra of Sovereignty and Statehood: The Biopolitics of Deferral, Simulation and Subalternity Andrea TetiDepartment of Political and Communication Sciences (DISPC) University of Salerno, Italy Email: The... Read More
Critical Approaches to State and Sovereignty: Part 2 (Delatolla)
Critical Approaches to State and Sovereignty: Part 2 (Delatolla) 4th Dec 2023 Colonialism and the State   Andrew Delatolla, University of Leeds  The modern state as a concept is elusive; just when you think you have some formulation, some definition, or some working theoretical grounding, the rug is pulled out from... Read More
Critical Approaches to State and Sovereignty: Part 1 (Baumann)
Critical Approaches to State and Sovereignty: Part 1 (Baumann) 28th Nov 2023 Sovereignty and international political economy: The Middle East’s role in the uneven geography of money (This contribution is part of a SEPAD report into the interplay of state and sovereignty) Sovereignty concerns not just security but also economy.... Read More
كلمة الأب.. كلمة الرب
كلمة الأب.. كلمة الرب 26th Oct 2023 لطالما كتبتُ من خلال قصائدي عن قضايانا اليومية الواقعية كنساء وعني أنا كإمرأة, لقد سخّرتُ ملَكتي الأدبية من أجل ذلك, بكل ما تحمله حياتنا... Read More
PROSPECTS FOR REFORM AND REVOLUTION ACROSS THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA 6th Oct 2023 The echoes of cries for ‘bread, freedom and social justice’ that dominated the 2011 Arab Uprisings linger only faintly in 2023. Popular calls for better economic prospects and political change across Tunisia, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain... Read More
قراءة استراتيجية للمشهد الإقليمي بعد الاتفاق السعودي-الإيراني: الإختبار الأول. 9th Jun 2023 قراءة استراتيجية للمشهد الإقليمي بعد الاتفاق السعودي-الإيراني: الإختبار الأول. مقدمة: غاب مشهد القادة المتنازعين حول الخلافات الإقليمية... Read More
India's Role in the Persian Gulf 24th Apr 2023 Guest post: Saloni Kapur. This is part of our series reflecting on external powers in the Middle East.  In this report, I address the question of whether India’s relationship with the Persian Gulf states has gone through a paradigm shift since... Read More
Protests in Iran: The Regional Repercussions
Protests in Iran: The Regional Repercussions 19th Apr 2023 This piece was originally published in afkar/ideasi 68 in French and Spanish here.    In September 2022 the Islamic Republic of Iran’s morality police arrested a young women, Mahsa Aminie, who later died in custody. Amini’s... Read More