Toby Dodge is a professor in the International Relations Department at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is also Research Director for Iraq, in the DFID funded Conflict Research Programme.
His main areas of research include the comparative politics and historical sociology of the Middle East, the politics of intervention, the evolution of the Iraqi state and state-society dynamics and political identities in Iraq.
- Inventing Iraq: The failure of nation building and a history denied (2003)
- Iraq's Future: The Aftermath of Regime Change (2005)
- Iraq: From War to a New Authoritarianism (2013) and four edited volumes
- Middle Eastern Security, the US Pivot and the Rise of ISIS
- Afghanistan; to 2015 and beyond
- Iraq at the crossroads: state and society in the shadow of regime change
- Globalisation and the Middle East, Islam, economics, culture and politics.
- He has published research papers in Historical Sociology, The Review of International Studies, International Affairs, International Peacekeeping, Third World Quarterly, Monde Arabe, Maghreb-Machrek and Contemporary Arab Affairs.