Social Theory: Sara Ahmed6th Dec 2022By Konstantin Rintelmann
In 2009, Margrit Shildrick panegyrically wrote: “Few academic writers working in the UK context today can match Sara Ahmed in her prolific output, and fewer still can maintain the consistently high level of her theoretical...Read More
Social Theory: bell hooks 6th Dec 2022
Now when I ponder the silences, the voices that are not heard, the voices of those wounded and/or oppressed individuals who do not speak or write, I contemplate the acts of persecution, torture—the terrorism that breaks spirits, that makes creativity...Read More
World Cup Shorts: No country for old men. Urban renewal in downtown Doha6th Dec 2022The destruction of the urban fabric of downtown Doha is one of the side effects of the preparation for the World Cup. The event has bolstered a process of urban renewal that has made Qatar spend more than any other host country in previous editions of...Read More
Social Theory: Wael Hallaq5th Dec 2022By Ali Seyedrazaghi, Teaching Fellow, Lancaster University. Wael Hallaq, a professor of ethics, law, and political thought at Columbia University, is considered one of the most important contemporary thinkers in the field of Islamic studies....Read More
Social Theory: Susan Strange2nd Dec 2022SUSAN STRANGE
By Sukru Cildir.
Susan Strange was born in Dorset in 1923 and passed away in 1998. A founding figure of International Political Economy in the UK, Strange received a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the LSE in 1943. Following...Read More
Artist Spotlight: Mariam Mabrouk 24th Nov 2022We are delighted to be working with Mariam Mabrouk, an Egyptian artist and former Lancaster University student, on a number of projects. Mariam is acting as our first ‘artist in residence’ and has produced some amazing pieces of art for forthcoming SEPAD...Read More
Social Theory: Doreen Massey22nd Nov 2022“Conceptualising space as open, multiple, and relational, unfinished and always becoming, is a prerequisite for history to be open and thus a prerequisite, too, for the possibility of politics.” (Massey 2005, 59).
Doreen Massey’s work...Read More
Sectarianism and Boundaries: Much More to Explore 7th Nov 2022During a Q&A at the latest BRISMES conference, my passion and enthusiasm for my paper on ‘sectarianism’ at dramatically and quickly dissipated. A pioneering high-profile scholar on the field, Dr. Morten Valbjørn, asked me a simple...Read More
Social Theory: Kimberlé Crenshaw7th Nov 2022In 1976, five black women sued General Motors for race and sex discrimination. The company’s workforce segregation, they argued, left black women in a uniquely unfortunate situation. They...Read More